Privacy Policy - Get Purple

We , Astro Meera Drashti take the privacy of the information you provide to us very seriously. This Privacy Policy is created maintained at the highest levels in our Organization to demonstrate our commitment to privacy of the natives. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to be satisfied how carefully we use and protect & any information you provide to us at Astro Meera Drashti.

Astro Meera Drashti guarantees full confidentiality of our native& identity, birth details and any information received and predictions and analysis given both before and after our services are provided.

Astro Meera Drashti further undertakes that no direct or indirect use will be made by or any of its staff members about any information that is received or revealed to us before or after our services except for the explicit purpose of communicating the
and predictions back to the specific native/member only.

We never share or sell your personal information to any third person/agency for any promotion or other usage of any type.

Notwithstanding anything contained above, you can always register any of your concern or point of dis-satisfaction on our mail id.

We treat astrology as science and do not spread any kind of superstition. Based on the astrological calculations we do predictions. In case of any dispute, the court of jurisdiction will be Lucknow, Uttarpradesh, India.